Employment Information

Employment Opportunities
Updated: October 1, 2024

Click on the appropriate link below to complete an employment application: 

Non Teaching Application

Teacher and certified staff application

Substitute Teacher Application

Current Openings

Corporation Openings

*Bus driver substitute and light bus maintenance- four hours *Speech Language Pathologist *Speech Language Pathologist Assistant

Parke Heritage High School  *Girls wrestling assistant coach
*Boys wrestling assistant coach
Parke Heritage Middle School
*Boys wrestling assistant coach

Rockville Elementary School no openings at this time

Turkey Run Elementary School no openings at this time

Contact list by location:

Dr. Michael Schimpf, NCP Superintendent at 765-569-4191
Mr. Bruce Patton, PHHS Principal at 765-569-5686
Mrs. Lisa Wrightsman, PHMS Principal at 765-597-2700
Mrs. Kristin Bonomo, RES Principal at 765-569-4301
Mrs. Jenny Benjamin, TRES Principal at 765-597-2762